
Wednesday, July 11th

I went to a movie theater with my friends on Wednesday, July 11th.
We saw the movie, "Snow White".
It was a wonderful movie!!
Snow White was a beautiful and powerful woman.
I want to be like her.
I want to see it again!
By the way we can see movies 1,000 yen on Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 10th

I went to a Korean pub with my best friends on Tuesday, July 10th.
We ate too much Korean food and drink a lot.
We talked and laughed all the time.
I felt happy.
We planned to go to the sea and camp during this summer vacation :)
I'm looking forward to doing that so much!!!

Wednesday, July 4th

I went out with my friend, Anna on Wednesday July 4th :)
We went to Karaoke and sang many songs.
She is very good at singing songs. Her voice is so nice!!!
After that we ate dinner together and talked a lot :)
We had a great time!


Sunny day

Recently, it had been raining every day.
I don't like rain, because it is bother to have an umbrella and feel sticky by rain.
But, the sun broke through the clouds today!! It is nice :)
Long time no see, sunshine!!
I hope the rainy season will have set in soon.

Drink with my best friends!!

I'm going to go to a pub with my best friends tonight.
I have 7 best friends.  They are so cute :)
I love them!! and we are going to go to see a movie tomorrow.
We are going to see "Snow White".
I'm looking forward to spending time with them.


Finished a Teaching Practice

I finished a teaching practice about 1 week ago.
It was a great and hard experience for me.
I stayed at school for 12 hours every day while a teaching practice, and had sleep for 3 hours.
I often stayed up all night to prepare classes, but I enjoyed teaching  English to students.
I could have solid days and very appreciate teachers and students.
This experience is one of my treasure.


last night

I went to a pub with my friend last night.
I met new friends. They are so nice and funny. We talked a lot and eat too much.
I had a goooooood time...
I love friends!!!!!!!



Hello, everyone.
I will go to high school to have a teachimg practice after 1 week.
I'm nervous, but looking forward to meet students :)
I have to have a teaching practice for 3 weeks. I feel it is long.
Make an effort!!!


Pizza Party

 I ate pizza with my friends on Tuesday :)  It was nice!!
And I stayed at my friend's house.  We just talked a lot and watched TV. 
We didn't do special things, but we can feel happy.  Because we are the best best friends XD I love them!!
 Next day, I came back to my hometown with my friends and they stayed at my home. We spent a good time.


Trial Lesson

Hello, everyone! How are you???
I'm busy, recently.  Of course, I know everyone is busy, too!!
I have to prepare for trial lesson and I will have it  in teaching course tomorrow!! I feel nervous.
Please hope my lesson will be great :)
Anyway, Golden Week is coming soon. Yahooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Let's enjoy our wonderful time XD
Have a nice holiday, guys!!!  Bye bye~~★


April 16th, 2012

Hello, everyone :)  How's it going??
It is pretty good weather and warm!!!
I had a job hunting and took an interview in the morning.
It makes me nervous :(
I will have a break from now on♪ I'm hungry~~~~~~!!!!!!
See you later!!!!!!!!
